Lean Supply Chain Solution (LEANSCS) provides various transportation services across the country.

Also providing domestic transportation management solutions (TMS).
Our staff are experts in domestic as well as imports/exports so we can aid throughout the process by ensuring your shipment is documented correctly and arrives promptly to the end user.

Transport Service

LEAN Supply Chain Solution Lean Supply chain Supply chain solutions Leanscs-supply chain solution
We focus to extend beyond moving cargo, we help you translate complex logistics requirements into transportable solutions. By giving our clients complete visibility of the impact logistics has on the overall cost of an item, We empower you to consider alternate supply sources and engage multiple transport modes to meet your operational and financial objectives.

Our Key Benefits and Services

Our Key Benefits and Services

Primary Transportation
● Faster transit for Long haul trucks
● Real time tracking & exceptional alerts
Secondary Transportation
● Same day delivery
● Dynamic Routing
● In-city consolidation & delivery
● E-pod
● Delivery alerts

Get Started with Leanscs

Get a grip on your supply chain with a perfect blend of a consultative approach, operational excellence and technology. Talk to our Supply Chain Experts.

North Office

West Office